Gang Beasts Update 1.17 Patchotes
Update 1.17 is there for gear webs , and here is the complete list of changes and corrections added to this patch.
The developers of Gang Beasts have now published a new update for the game. It seems that this new update only applies to the PS4 version. The version number for the patch is 1.17.
One of the supplements of the new patch is the optimization of the steps of wheel, aquarium and tower. You also resolved infinite charging screens when people playing the game online.
There were also some other improvements in the game. You can read the full PATNOTES below.
Gang Beasts Update 1.17 Patchotes
- Inserts a new matchmaker without changing the user experience
- Optimizes different stages, including Wheel, aquarium and tower
* Fixes different infinite charging screens when playing online and adds various improvements in loading time and screen information
* Updated credit
* Fixes a problem where certain wave-ki was not eliminated correctly and the round was busy
* Exercising does not lead to a false draw
* Contains various bug fixes for camera and railing in Wheel and Vent
* Smaller improvements in stage performance
* Fixes a problem in which the restart of a round from Countdown 0 caused a softlock
The information acquired above comes from the game Official Twitter page. Gang Beasts is now available for PC, Mac, PS4 and Xbox One.
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