It is revealed by why Diablo 2: Resurrected has no local cooperative: fidelity towards the original game
Diablo 2: Resurrected is the opportunity for thousands of people to return to that adolescence in which every afternoon we became a hero that combats against hordes of enemies in forgotten catacombs. The remastery of a great delivery of a saga that still today occupies a special place in the memories of every role lover and fantasy. But, while Blizzard has experienced with other great success features in his subsequent deliveries, this time he has preferred stay faithful to the original devil 2. Something that surprises because Diablo 3 had a local cooperative mode that we will not see in Diablo 2: Resurrected. For this reason, the developer company has pronounced itself in this regard.
The challenge is in that Diablo 2 is scheduled assuming that the character is in the center of Rob Gallerani in a chat between Rob Gallerani, director of game design, and vandal, we have been able to meet the trends behind De Diablo 2 that do not allow great changes in Diablo 2: Resurrected. In this sense, Gallerani has admitted that the local cooperative of Diablo 3 is very fun, but, unfortunately, it could not be implemented in Diablo 2: Resurrected due to How the original game is programmed : The challenge is that Diablo 2 is scheduled assuming that the character is in the center of the screen. There are a lot of things in the game that assume that, and when you change it, other things start to break.
When you die in Diablo 2, your body and all your things stay on the ground, and go back to Rob Gallerani , however, and even though it could be considered that this problem could be solved by altering the rules of the camera , Gallerani recalls that a good part of Diablo 2 is conditioned by that obligation to follow the character all the time : For example, when you die in Diablo 2, your body and all your things stay on the ground, and come back To the village, so you have to go back and find your body. Something that, evidently, makes it difficult for the group expedition, since it would be unfair to send the whole team to the village and a resurrection mechanics would end up modifying a good handful of game systems. What, in other words, would change the essence of devil 2 .
Therefore, Blizzard has decided Primate nostalgia and fidelity above aspects that could have been very fun in Diablo 2: Resurrected. The 3D game team has also had the opportunity to chat with Gallerani , although we have focused on controversies known as the need to improve the inventory of Diablo 2. The return to the Classics Action-RPG translate into Diablo 2: Resurrected, which is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox SERIES and NINTENDO SWITCH. Of course, we We have stayed embobbled with the game , something that you can read in the analysis of Diablo 2: Resurrected, by the companion Alberto Pastor.
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