Com2us, SWC2021 World Final s 8th Street Publication

Starcraft II World Championship Collection (WCS) ( StarCraft II World Championships ) are a series of digital sporting activity competitions on the StarCraft II video game organized or co-organized by Blizzard Entertainment and also produced in 2012. These competitors are disseminated in 2015 by Digital Sports League (ESL), Spotv Gamings and Gomexp. The overall gains amounts to $ 1.6 million for the 2015 edition, separated among the three primary tournaments consisting of two in South Korea, an event other components of the globe; and the world final. There are three seasons for every competition, in which players build up indicate qualify for the global finals.

[Eye News 24 Mun Young Soo Reporter] Com2us (Representative Song Jae-joon, Lee) was a Global E-Sports Competition Summer Nours World Arena Championship 2021 (the following SWC2021) World Final 2 days ahead.

The SWC2021 World Final, which is held at 2:00 pm on November 13, which is on the Korean Visual Basis, is the stage for determining the global power of Summer Nourners. In June, a total of 56,000 people, the largest in the players, and 8 people were selected for each regional qualifying and regional cup until October from July to October.

In particular, this year, in three years, 2 Koreans are co-participated in co-participation. First, the Korean player Jack-, who came to the World Final, the World Final in the World Final, to meet the first match of the American Cup and the first match. Korea SecondBaby in the second most Asian Pacific Cup is the second match, and it will play a game with the first place in Europe Pinkroid and the world s best.

In the third match, the first match, the Diligent and the United States of America Cup Madreamdy and the second match, and in the fourth match, the winner of the Chinese line development winner Tars and the European Cup 2nd place Ismoo confronts.


The first place is given $ 100,000 (about $ 110 million) and trophy, with $ 20,000 (KRW 24 million) for the second place, with $ 10,000 (about W12 million) An emblem that can be used in the game is provided.

The world fans are also conducted to participate in the world fans. From November 11 to 2 pm, the SWC2021 World Final page will make a message to the player who cheered up on the SWC2021 World Final page, and if you share it with the SNS with a hashtag, select a total of 28 participants to give a total of 28 participants. Present.


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