Endwalker has been moved! The addition to Final Fantasy XIV will come later!
Square UNIX informed about postponing the date of the End walker premiere, i.e. the latest addition to Final Fantasy XIV. The extension was to make my debut on November 23, but it was decided to change this term on December 7. I am talking about 2 weekly release here. Early access to the add-on scheduled for December 3, and RAID at Normal level will appear on December 21.
Reason? The desire to give recent grinds. Yeshiva explained that their QA department (quality department) still needs a moment to get everything on the last button and make sure the end walker will shine. The developer apologized to players for such an emergency. He also hopes that the community will feel this extra time that Square UNIX took himself to refine the extension to Final Fantasy XIV.
We have already used to shifting deadlines. Shadow lands also moved her, New World also, and with Lyon it was no different. Apparently it is just a standard. Let only the end walker take advantage of it. What does Yeshiva to transfer us outside this information? He handed over that PVP in Final Fantasy XIV will receive more love!
We know that a new mode will appear in a new additive, but also a player to reward players will be converted. When it comes to mode, this is called Crystal Conflict, and we will receive it in patch 6.1 — at the same time The Feast will be turned off. Crystal Conflict will oppose two five-person teams opposite each other. We will receive diverse maps with individual traps, and our goal will reach the Battlefield Center, where there is a crystal (typical Final Fantasy).
Aim of the match? Take over the crystal and get it to the enemy base. Square Enix ensures that this mode will be easier and faster than all existing ones. The company wants to tempo rage players to participate in PVP. Therefore, the requirements of having specific roles in PVP will be removed — the team s composition will no longer matter. Instead, classes will receive dedicated skills in PVP, like self-healing or Adrenaline Rush.
If it comes to prizes, there will be something like Battle Pass (currently called Series ), where we will receive a shame for taking part in all PVP modes. Expiating this pass, we will receive access to unique attractions, such as mounts or options related to customization. Crystal Conflict also will also receive separate prizes in each season. Square UNIX also provides that you do not have to play from the beginning to win all the feints — prizes from outdated editions (series / season) will appear about Vendor.
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