How to get the Voyader case in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy has many vehicles on which you can travel along the AID planet. Some can be earned by the plot or as a reward, but some need to be collected from details. This includes the Voyager, and one important part is the Voyader case. This can make you ask how to get the Voyage case in Tower of Fantasy.

How to unlock the Voyader case in Tower of Fantasy

The Voyager is a vehicle that you can get at Tower of Fantasy. You will need four details: Voyager Hall , Voyager engine, Voyager engine and Voyager dispatch. You must go through a series of steps S to get the Voyager case. This includes the preparation of strawberry soda with ice, the search for explosive devices and oil towers Navia, activation of radio materials and entrance to the environmental park Navia. Here's how to get the Voyader case in Tower of Fantasy.

How to get a recipe for strawberry soda with ice in Tower of Fantasy

To fulfill this quest and get the Voyader case, you must prepare ice strawberry soda by recipe. This is done by switching to Culinary station and choice Creativity The tab, having turned out there, combine strawberries, honey and carbonated water to cook this dish.

Using repeating ingredients will increase your chances of its manufacture, so we recommend using as many of these ingredients as possible. As soon as you successfully prepare a strawberry soda with ice, it will be added to your recipes list.

where to find the Banges oil tower in Tower of Fantasy

The Banges oil tower can be found at west coast of Bangies . Teleport to the farthest West Spacerift circled on the map above. Use a jet board to travel on the water to an oil tower marked with the icon Red Star. When you find yourself there, you must fulfill the quest to gain access to the drilling rig. To do this, you need to go to the Banges Doc and find out from the guard of Port Lazvell about the captured guinas guards.

After you are welcomed on board the oil tower, look for Gold hyena secret documents . One is placed on the wall of the shacks, and the second is located at the top of the oil tower. They will give answers to get to the Navia oil tower.

where to find the Navia oil tower in Tower of Fantasy

Navia oil tower is located north of Navia . Pass on one of the northernmost cosmodrome circled on the map above. Pull your jetboard and go to the Navia oil tower, marked with the icon Red Star . You must answer a few questions to get on board. Here are the answers to the questions of the guard of hyena.


  • Carnival
  • Queen
  • Seventh
  • Aida heirs

As soon as you answer these questions, you will get access to the drilling rig. Turn to the right and give walley there is strawberry soda with ice. In return, he will give you components of the console . With this in your hands you need to go to Navia Bay.

How to activate radio extensions in Tower of Fantasy

There are three radio extensions that you need to activate. Before doing this:

  1. Open points of points and buy three beautiful gift sets .
  2. Open them and select tools of tools for each.
  3. Go to three red radio extensions on the rocks surrounding the bay of Navia.

Standing on Tower Navia Omnium , you can see the towers on the right, left and right in front of you. With one tower, you can simply interact for activation, one requires the components of the console, and, finally, the last tower requires three sets of tools.

As soon as you activate all three radio extensions, head to center from Naviya Bay, Where does the ray of light come from. Interact with him to move to Ecological Park Navia . Open the supply capsules here and take your Voyager case.

To obtain additional information about the fantasy tower, read the sections How to achieve perfection in evading fantasies in the tower, explained the fantasy, and should you plunge into the Claire dreams in the fantasy tower? In professional game guides.


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