The great sale PSN in Japan with perfect prices
PSN has sales all the time. The PS4 titles are deeply reduced with a frequency so alarming that the purchase of full-price games is more a choice of lifestyle than any type of need. This week, all your favorite Japanese games are auctioned with the sale Big in Japan, including a ridiculous price for the latest Kingdom Hearts pack. An overview of sales is listed below:
— All-in-one of King Hearts — $29.99 -Nigh Complete Edition — $19.49 -New: Automata Game of the Korea Edition — $19.99 -Final Fantasy VIII Remastered — $11.99 -Dark Souls III — $14.99 -WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY — $12.49 -Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom bread — $4.99 -The life is strange 2 — $15.99 -Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth — Hacker's Memory — $14.99 -Code vein — $35.99
-Moment — $29.99 Complete Disease 5 — $29.99 -Sheng 3 — $35.99 — DLC Resident Evil 7 + All Season Pass — $24.99
There are many more than those listed, that you can consult here. As a fan of Japanese games, it's too tempting. You, too, could inflict the curse of too many games, all thanks to this ridicule PSN. The sale in question now takes place until March 3rd. So you have time to make your decision. Personally, I have shortcomings in my Square Enix library that must be filled.
Look too
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